Gather ’round, wine enthusiasts! The 2023 grape saga in Southern Georgian Bay has been quite the rollercoaster. Buckle up as we recount this year’s vine adventure!
Our story began with a mild winter, gifting our vines a bounty of hearty buds. Spring tiptoed in, and frosty fingers grazed some unlucky local spots. Yet, our gently sloped vineyards in The Blue Mountains emerged unscathed, helped by good air drainage and the mid-way position on the Niagara Escarpment.
Then, cue the sizzling summer soundtrack? June cranked up the heat, ensuring our vineyard remained a haven, disease-free and lush with a vibrant canopy. Ah, the sweet harmony of healthy growth!
July was cooler and a little wet, but growing conditions remained fair. Now, August, the pivotal month, stepped in but with a twist. Cooler vibes swept through, leaving local beach lovers yearning for warmth. At The Roost, thermometers read on average 17.6°C in August, a good 2-3°C cooler than the last two years. This chill caused a time warp, delaying grape ripening by a generous two weeks.
But fear not, dear wine enthusiasts, for our quick-footed heroes – L’Acadie, Frontenac, and Marquette, Lucy Kuhlmann – dashed through the delays, promising a bountiful harvest thanks to ideal conditions in September. Heavyweight reds and leisurely-ripening European varieties might take a rain check this year, with simply two few growing degree days to get them to their prime.
But there’s a silver lining! Sparkling and white wines, bathed in the extra vine time, are set to dazzle. Complexity is their middle name, and this year, they’re here to steal the spotlight in the winery.
So, raise your tasting room glasses to the quirks of nature and the dance of the vines! Here’s to Harvest 2023 – a tale of challenges, triumphs, and the promise of exquisite wines to come! 🍇✨🥂