Roost Wines Win at Decanter World Wine Awards 2024
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Roost Wines Win at Decanter World Wine Awards 2024

We are thrilled to announce that The Roost Winery has received incredible awards at the Decanter World Wine Awards 2024!  Out of more than 18,000 wines judged blind by top-tier experts, we’re proud to share that three out of four of our entries were recognized: Silk Purse Sparkling Red: Silver, Score 91  2021 Marquette: Silver,…

Roost wines make a splash with Wine Align

Roost wines make a splash with Wine Align

The Roost winery in The Blue Mountains, Ontario, is happy to share some recent press from Wine Align, Canada’s home of expert wine ratings and wine reviews. Sperling & Gamble: Making a Case Realizing Great Ontario Wine. Featured in Wine Align May, 2024. “While talking small, I draw your attention to The Roost, a vineyard and winery on a slope in…

Harvest Report 2023: Southern Georgian Bay’s Twisty Vine Tale!

Harvest Report 2023: Southern Georgian Bay’s Twisty Vine Tale!

Gather ’round, wine enthusiasts! The 2023 grape saga in Southern Georgian Bay has been quite the rollercoaster. Buckle up as we recount this year’s vine adventure! Our story began with a mild winter, gifting our vines a bounty of hearty buds. Spring tiptoed in, and frosty fingers grazed some unlucky local spots. Yet, our gently…

Harvest: The True Story

Harvest: The True Story

So what’s all this harvest and crush business about? There are really two sides to the story: the perfect harvest that small winery owners dream of and the often truer story behind that great wine you’re drinking. Grab a glass of wine and read on… The Ideal Harvest September rolls around bringing bright, sunny days…

I’ve Got a Crush

I’ve Got a Crush

Fall in Ontario is such a glorious time of the year: cool nights, warm days, rich colours and snuggly clothes. Out in the vineyard the furious growth of the summer slows and the plants put all their energy into ripening the gorgeous clusters of grapes they’ve worked so hard to create. For most it’s just…

Roost Wines Win at 2021 Awards

Roost Wines Win at 2021 Awards

We’re delighted to share that Roost wines walked home with 12 medals from the All Canadian Wine Championships and Finger Lakes International Wine Competition. Particular pride or places goes to the 2020 Frontenac and 2018 Chardonnay, both of which won Golds at the All Canadian. Other winners include the Sparkling Rosé, Two Wrongs Make a…

Roost Wines Win at International Sparkling Competition

Roost Wines Win at International Sparkling Competition

We’re delighted to share that The Roost’s 2017 Sparkling Rosé and 2017 Sparkling Red both received Bronze at the Champagne and Sparkling Wine World Championships!⁣ We’re delighted to share that The Roost’s 2017 Sparkling Rosé and 2017 Sparkling Red both received Bronze at the Champagne and Sparkling Wine World Championships!⁣⁣No, it wasn’t silver or gold….